In 2018, I worked with the Bonfire Digital Agency to evolve the PawLuxury identity into the more friendly and feelings-based brand, PawLove to help make the brand relatable and engaging for the newer customer experience.

We built the brand to stand out as an impulse buy for customers that were interested in letting their dogs try a more natural type of chew. We targeted the customer who wanted to indulge and pamper their furbabies. The customer wanted only the best for their pet, but they were new to the game. We would be there as a gateway brand found in mass channels like Costco and Sams Club.

The Pawluxury brand was being renamed, rebranded, and repurposed. Therefore, the website needed an overhaul. It needed to provide more information for any customer or distributor looking to learn more about what makes the new PawLove superior to other dog treats and chews.

The rebranded PawLove packaging moved towards the feel-good bonding personality of the brand by using softer and more cuddly photography of dogs and their owners. We used a spot varnish to call attention to the heart logo. In addition to the redesign, we also rethought bag sizing, and introduced the chew meter for a more intuitive chew selection process.

For social media, PawLove focused on the cute and personal hand-drawn graphics and patterns, soft and smiley dog photography, and bold, feminine color fields.
As I’ve worked with Pawluxury for six years prior to the current branding, the following outlines some of the projects addressed during those years.

TDBBS, Pawluxury’s parent company wanted to embrace the fun spirit of their fuzzy clients. Plain stationary would not do. All stationary for TDBBS and the three main brands was designed to reflect their own look and personality. This included a branded flipbook sticky note pad used by employees and given away as SWAG at trade shows.

In 2014, I worked with in-house designer, Brandon Hambright to repurpose Pawluxury’s online eco-pet store to a mass market natural treat and chew brand. We worked closely with Costco to create a bag style which included a hero dog, flavor forward imagery, and a window large enough for the consumer to see what the product looks like. We chose attention grabbing colors while owning the purple space on the sales floor across the brand.

Brandon and I also worked with Costco on stackable PDQs that would be sold to customers directly from the pallet. Along with Costco, we also got into farm and feed stores. Since they did not sell from the pallet, we created a sidekick shipper display with a header card which could be swapped out depending on the product on sale.

Each year, I worked with Brandon to create a Pawluxury catalog for the sales representatives to hand out at tradeshows like Global Pet Expo and Superzoo, as well as out in the field.

To promote the Pawluxury Superfood launch, I created this ad for Costco featuring our signature purple packaging and flavor forward imagery.

As Pawluxury was beginning to move more into the feelings-based branding, we decided to create a social series covering the bond between pet and owner, and how Pawluxury could play a role. The infographic could be used in its entirety on the website or on Pinterest, released in chapters for blogs, or released in bite-sized squares as a series for social media channels.
In 2016, Pawluxury adopted the tagline “Treat Differently.” It spoke to the countless ways owners bond with their dogs. Because of this closer bond, the humanization of pets has become a large trend in the pet industry. So, instead of the rawhide, or biscuits which have sufficed in the past, people treat their dogs differently. They treat them and feed them as they would feed themselves, with care and consideration. In that spirit, I worked with in-house designer, Brandon Hambright, marketing manager Courtney Nichols, and Authentic Digital to create a looping tradeshow video featuring four people from different walks of life who tell us what their dogs mean to them and what makes their bond unique. The video never mentioned Pawluxury directly as it was intended to run in the Pawluxury booth, but it did feature the packaging and the people feeding their dogs Pawluxury product.